
請同學務必確認iNTUE帳號狀態避免影響111學年度第1學期選課Please be sure to confirm the iNTUE system account status before course selection


因應111年6月8日中午12:00 - 6月13日中午12:00 即將進行111學年度第1學期第一階段選課,請同學務必提前確認 iNTUE系統帳號狀態,避免影響選課,如因帳號停用致逾期無法參與各階段選課,恕無法進行補加退選。

The iNTUE's accounts where the password has not been changed before May 2 will be deactivated. Those whose account has been deactivated may apply to the Systems Division of the Computer and Networking Center on workdays to reactivate their account(Campus extensions: 82905 (Ms. Chen), 82901 (Ms. Hu)). If students’ account is deactivated and they cannot participate in the various phases of course selection according to deadlines, they will not be able to add-drop courses.

主辦單位: 註冊與課務組
類別: 課務相關