(110-2)本校日間學制課程自即日起至學期末止實施遠距教學(Online instruction for all NTUE courses from now to the end of this semester)

此致 全校日間學制師生
Subject: Online instruction for all NTUE courses from now to the end of this semester.
Ⅰ. This guideline is based on the instruction announced by the Ministry of Education on May 13 and announcement by CDC on May 13, 2022. Further adjustments shall be made based on actual pandemic situation and risk assessment.
Ⅱ. According to MOE guidelines and that most of the NTUE courses have adopted online instruction for the rest of this semester, all courses shall switch to online instruction till the end of the semester immediately so that teaching and learning schedule be synchronized.
Ⅲ. The instructors should follow up students’ learning status during online instruction.
1.Instructors should announce course information including online-course website and instructors’ contact information on e-learning system (iMagic e-Learning system and Wisdom Master system).
2.Students have to login e-learning system to read course announcement and information. If there are any problem, please contact the instructor as soon as possible.
3. E-learning resource:https://academicntue.ntue.edu.tw/p/412-1002-533.php
Ⅳ. Please notify all teachers in your departments (graduate schools, degree programs).
To all relevant units, faculty and students
主辦單位: 註冊與課務組
類別: 課務相關