Announcement of relevant matters pertaining to student application for withdrawal from courses during the 1st semester of school year 2024 – 2025


Basis: National Taipei University of Education “Implementation Guidelines for Application to Withdraw from Courses”



Announcement Items:


I. Course Withdrawal Application Procedure:


Reason for application: Special situations preventing student from continuing with the class.


Application deadline: December 2 (Monday) – December 13, 2024 (Friday)


Application procedure:


Students applying to withdraw from a course must fill out a course withdrawal application form (Form 1).

2.檢附本學期選課資料(可自行至「iNTUE/「線上選課」/「選課查詢(學生)/「選課結果」/ 「查詢個人課表」/列印「橫式課表」)

Attach course selection document (Please go online to the “iNTUE System /Online class selection / “Selected class search (student)” / “Class selection results” / “Search personal class list” / print “Landscape-orientation class list”).


Day students should submit the application form to the department (graduate school, degree program) and the Division of Registration and Curriculum of the Office of Academic Affairs.


II. Limitations on the number of withdrawn courses and academic credits:


Undergraduate program:

  1. 大一至大三:可申請停修學分上限為5學分。扣除停修課程學分後,於校內應至少修習1門科目。

Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors: Limited to five academic credits; should take at least one course, after deducting the academic credits of the withdrawn courses.

  1. 大四:每學期停修課程數以2門課程為限。扣除停修課程學分後,於校內應至少修習1門科目。

Seniors: Limited to two courses; should take at least one course, after deducting the academic credits of the withdrawn courses.

  1. 延長修業年限學生:扣除停修課程學分後,於校內應至少修習1門科目

Students who have extended their academic stay: Should take at least one course, after deducting the academic credits of the withdrawn courses.


Day graduate school students: Minimum required credits taken after deducting the academic credits of the withdrawn course to be determined by individual departments (graduate schools, degree programs).


III. Points to Remember:

  • 申請單送交教務處前,請務必確認申請資料皆已以正楷填寫完整且正確,申請資料不齊、不正確者,不予受理。

Before sending an application form to the Office of Academic Affairs, please make sure that it is correctly and properly filled in. Incomplete or inaccurate forms will not be accepted.

  • 停修課程仍須登記於該學期成績單及歷年成績表,於成績註明「停修」。停修課程之學分數不計入該學期修習學分總數。

Course withdrawals are still required to be recorded on the semester transcript and school year transcript with “withdrawn” written in place of a score. Academic credits for the withdrawn course will not be counted towards the total number of academic credits for that semester.

  • 應屆畢業生申請停修課程請自行確認是否已列計為畢業學分或教育學程學分,並審慎考慮是否需申請停修,課程停修後,原申請畢業學分及教育學程學分之審核結果將作廢,請自行至原學系(所、學位學程)或師資培育處辦理重新審核。

Graduating students who have applied to withdraw from courses should confirm whether the course credits are counted towards graduation or towards their education program and seriously consider whether to go forward with the withdrawal. After the student withdraws from the course, any application for transcript evaluation for graduation or education program eligibility will be rendered invalid. Students are requested to go to their department (graduate school, degree program) or the Office of Teacher Education to apply for re-evaluation.

  • 學生申請停修課程前應繳交之學雜費(學雜費基數)及學分費等各項費用,課程停修後不予退費,未繳交者仍應補繳。

Students who apply for withdrawing from courses after paying the tuition and miscellaneous fees (basic tuition and miscellaneous fees) and credit fees shall forfeit all prior payments. Those who have not paid will still be required to do so.

  • 申請停修後,請於第15週自行至iNTUE/「教務資訊」/「停修課查詢(學生)」查詢本學期申請結果。

After applying to withdraw from the course, please log on to the “iNTUE System” / “Educational Information” / “Withdrawn class search (student)” and check the status of the application for this semester on the 15th week of school.









主辦單位: 註冊與課務組
類別: 課務相關