有關本(112-2)學期日間學制學生申請延長修業事宜 Announcement of application for extension of study duration in this semester (Spring semester 2024).



  (二)研究所學生請依學則第63條規定辦理,填妥「日間學制研究生延長修業年限申請書」並檢附相關證明正本一併送至就讀系所申請   (https://academicntue.ntue.edu.tw/var/file/2/1002/img/20/644814724.pdf)。


此致 本校日間學制學生


May 9, 2024

Subject: Application for extension of study duration in this semester (Spring semester 2024).


Ⅰ. Students who need to apply:
 1. Undergraduate and master's program students who are in their 8th semester or above and are unable to complete their studies in this semester should apply for the extension of study duration.
 2. Doctoral’s program students who are in their 14th semester or above and are unable to complete their studies in this semester should apply for the extension of study duration.
Ⅱ. How to calculate how many semesters Where can students check Students can check by the following steps: log in iNTUE - Personal Information - Personal student status data management - (Tab) Sections by year.
Calculate how many “在學(Enrolled)” showed by the columns “School status” from the first semester to current semester (Spring semester in 112 Academic year)
Ⅲ. Application period: From now to May 24, 2024.
Ⅳ. Application methods:
 1. Undergraduates should follow the regulations in Article 21 of NTUE School Regulations and the guideline about pre-evaluation on graduation announced on April 3, 2024.
 2. Graduate students should follow the regulations in Article 63 of NTUE School Regulations. Students should fill out the form, and submit it with the relevant certification to the department.
(Download Application form: https://academicntue.ntue.edu.tw/var/file/2/1002/img/20/644814724.pdf).
Ⅴ. If students have any questions regarding student status, please contact the department assistant or Division of Registration & Curriculum office.

To all relevant students


主辦單位: 註冊與課務組
類別: 延長修業相關