Slam Dunk — National Taipei University of Education vs. National Taiwan University Staff Basketball Friendly Match

    When it comes to the classic lines from the Japanese manga "Slam Dunk," which one immediately comes to your mind? Is it "Coach, I want to play basketball," or perhaps "If you give up now, the game will be over"? Basketball is a language that transcends generations and connects us with each other.

    The staff basketball exchange event between our university and National Taiwan University (NTU) was introduced by our President Ching-Ho Chen and Vice President Shih-Torng Ding from NTU. The event was successfully arranged under the coordination of Chi-Wen Yang, our General Affairs chief.


    On the evening of Thursday, January 11, 2024, the friendly basketball match between staff members of both universities took place on the 3rd floor of NTU Sports Center. Led by President Ching-Ho Chen, our team included Yeh-Jung Tsai, Student Affairs chief,  Chi-Wen Yang, General Affairs chief, and a group of basketball players from various departments and units of our university. Entering the arena at the first time, what came into view was the vast court woven with colorful lines, overlooking the distant spectator seats through transparent backboards. The enormity of the arena seemed to convey to us: tonight, we must unleash our passion and sweat on the court.

    As the referee's whistle echoed, the basketball descended slowly from the air to the ground, marking the start of an exhilarating basketball game in a tense atmosphere. "Does the air taste different on the morning of the game?" The line from the manga flashed through my mind. The brisk air entered our bodies with rapid breaths, making our movements feel a bit heavier, while the opponents seemed faster then us. Guards driving in, point guards distributing passes, centers setting screens, off-ball movement, and sharpshooters lurking and shooting — the systematic tactics seamlessly added three-pointers to the scoreboard, shifting the pressure to our side.


    Compared to the opponent's tactical design, our team responded with straightforward tactics, disrupting the opponent's defensive positions through multiple passes and seizing opportunities to score, keeping the score close. The game, with each quarter lasting 10 minutes without a stop clock, concluded with NTU team winning 54-45. The final buzzer elevated the competitive spirit both of teams. Unlike academic seminars, sports activities like this basketball match foster deeper exchanges between the two universities. Both schools have agreed to meet again for the next match, eagerly anticipating the next staff basketball friendly game.

    Postscript: I'd like to introduce a motto I really like at the end of this article, "Let every day be productive" (常に生産性のある日々を), emphasizing that consistent and humble practice is the fastest path to improve.